Freelance Writer and Brand Language Specialist

Opera Australia

Opera Australia

Words for hitting the high notes


Opera has a reputation for appealing to an elite audience. But Opera Australia, Australia’s national opera company, had a vision — to make opera accessible to everyone.

The re-brand aimed to break down the barriers to opera, opening it up to more people by showing it has as much diversity as music, film and food.

The content strategy taps into the diverse skills that go into any given performance — from the sets, costumes and wigs to directing, scoring and choreography. Content shines a light on the most interesting or unexplored elements of a production, drawing in new audiences while keeping things fresh for established ones.

The brand voice carefully balances everyday words and phrases with evocative language that captures the mood of a production. Word choice and cadence work together to evoke the emotion of an opera — comedies sound funny, tragedies reveal sadness, and romances get a little hot under the collar.

BRand Voice and Copywriting, Interbrand